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Birds in and around Bent Tree

Here is a listing of birds seen in the area. This information was in the Spring newsleter from Bent Tree Country Club.

1. Pied-billed Grebe
2. American White Pelican
3. Brown Pelican
4. Double-crested Cormorant
5. Anhinga
6. Great Blue Heron
7. Great Egret
8. Snowy Egret
9. Little Blue Heron
10.Tricolored Heron
11. Cattle Egret
12. Green Heron
13. Black-crowned Night-Heron
14.Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
15. White Ibis
16. Glossy Ibis
17. Roseate Spoonbill
18. Wood Stork
19. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
20. Wood Duck
21. Mottled Duck
22. Mallard
23. Hooded Merganser
24. Black Vulture
25. Turkey Vulture
26. Osprey
27. American Swallow-tailed Kite
28. Bald Eagle
29. Sharp-shinned Hawk
30. Cooper's Hawk
31. Red-shouldered Hawk
32. Red-tailed Hawk
33. American Kestrel
34. Peregrine Falcon
35. Common Moorhen
36. American Coot
37. Limpkin
38. Sandhill Crane
39. Killdeer
40. Spotted Sandpiper
41. Laughing Gull
42. Ring-billed Gull
43. Royal Tern
44. Forster's Tern
45. Rock Pigeon
46. Eurasian Collared-Dove
47. Mourning Dove
48. Common Ground-Dove
49. Great Horned Owl
50. Barred Owl
51. Chimney Swift
52. Belted Kingfisher
53. Red-bellied Woodpecker
54. Downy Woodpecker
55. Northern Flicker
56. Pileated Woodpecker
57. Eastern Wood-Pewee
58. Great Crested Flycatcher
59. Purple Martin
60. Tree Swallow
61. Blue Jay
62. American Crow
63. Fish Crow
64. Tufted Titmouse
65. Carolina Wren
66. House Wren
67. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
68. Gray Catbird
69. Northern Mockingbird
70. Brown Thrasher
71. Loggerhead Shrike
72. European Starling
73. Blue-headed Vireo
74. Yellow-rumped Warbler
75. Yellow Throated Warbler
76. Pine Warbler
77. Prairie Warbler
78. Palm Warbler
79. Black-and-White Warbler
80. Ovenbird
81. Northern Cardinal
82. Red-winged Blackbird
83. Boat-tailed Grackle
84. Common Grackle
85. Brown-headed Cowbird
86. House Sparrow